

ChatGPT in Everyday Work Life (Part 2): Powerful Prompts for Business and Marketing

March 09, 2023  •  3 min read


Marketing ChatGPT Prompts 

These are a few ChatGPT prompts for marketers that can prove useful in your everyday tasks and work operations.

“I’m looking to optimize SEO for our company’s Mobile App Development services Can you help me identify the most effective keywords related to Mobile App Development that will drive relevant traffic to our website and improve our search engine visibility? Please gather data on search volume, competition, and related keywords to ensure we are targeting the most valuable keywords for our business.”

“Can you recommend some low-difficulty, high-volume keywords that are relevant to mobile app development? We want to improve our SEO strategy and increase our visibility in the competitive world of app development.”

“Develop a content cluster focused on the keyword “affordable mobile app development.’ The goal of this content cluster is to provide valuable information and insights to readers interested in this topic and to boost your website’s visibility and credibility in the mobile app development space.”

“Write me a Human generated blog post for the keyword Affordable mobile app development with an engaging, optimized title based on ‘Why affordable mobile app development is crucial for small businesses’.”

“Give me a short script reviewing “” under 55 seconds.

Here is an overview of this product ““:

Code + NoCode + AI

MarsX: Changing the game of software development 

Micro AppStore

Developers from all over the earth have spent years building Micro-Apps so you can reuse them in seconds!

Mars lets you start building using No-Code and zero coding skills as long as you stay within the scope of existing micro apps. For example, you can 100% No-Code an Uber-like marketplace. However, if you need to make something completely custom, you need to use the Mars Code interface that lets you enter a proper full-scale coding IDE and create your custom logic. So, unlike Bubble, Mars won’t let you build anything with No-Code.”

Can you provide me with some key takeaways that people will gain from attending the “Hands-on React” webinar?

“Could you create a Call to Action (CTA) that persuades readers to contact our team of software development experts, with regards to a blog post that concludes with the question of “which tech stack to choose?”

“As a software development company offering services for Shopify, please provide a list of potential blog topics for a “Guide to Shopify” that would be useful for our target audience.”

“Can you provide me with a framework for the blog post titled ‘Best Development Practices for Customizing Your Shopify Store’?”

“Produce an interesting, engaging blog based on this structure and adopt the writing style of Neil Patel.”

“Enhance the quality of this blog by adding relevant data and statistics.”

“I’m looking for a [type of text] that will speak directly to the needs and pain points of my [ideal customer persona] and persuade them to take [desired action] with a sense of urgency and strong offer.”

“Create an animated video script under 2 minutes that explains the advantages of a software service by providing a brief overview of its features.”

That’s the ChatGPT prompts list that marketers can take inspiration from.

Whether you’re a software business trying to crack the code of lead generation, improve your content marketing strategy, or drive growth, these ChatGPT awesome prompts surely come in handy! Alternatively, if you’re looking to enhance your business and marketing strategies with ChatGPT or need ChatGPT prompts mastering to do, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team of experts.

Thank you for joining us on this journey of exploring the power of ChatGPT prompts for business and marketers in everyday work and life. We hope you found this blog series informative and inspiring. Now all that is left for you to do is implement them, so go ahead and try them out! To know more about ChatGPT prompts or if you need effective and smart OpenAI services to help with your unique needs, get in touch with our experts!

Shahed Islam