

Tips to Create AI-Inspired Post-Event Surveys to Transform Your Non-Profit

June 20, 2024  •  3 min read

Post-event surveys are like a backstage pass to understanding what attendees really think. They’re the feedback forms you fill out after an event—whether it’s a conference, workshop, or community gathering. These surveys matter because they hold the key to making future events even better. 

While ChatGPT has its merits for individual survey creation, CollabAI is a tool designed for team-driven customization and enhanced collaborative efforts. By integrating CollabAI into the process, non-profit organizations can capitalize on collective intelligence and a diverse array of AI functionalities to elevate post-event survey creation. We’re about to give you tips on how to use CollabAI when creating post-event survey questions effectively. Let’s get started! 

Crafting Effective Survey Questions

When crafting fundraising letters or designing survey questions, the introduction of CollabAI can transform a simple questionnaire into a multifaceted feedback tool. Through its departmental AI assistant feature, different teams within a non-profit—such as the fundraising team, event planners, and volunteer coordinators—can curate specialized questions that address their unique concerns and goals.

1. Start by asking respondents about their overall satisfaction


On a scale of 1-10, how happy were you with [Event Name]?”

  • Tremendously dissatisfied (Vast improvement needed – quite underwhelmed!)
  • Somewhat dissatisfied (Left a bit wanting – several aspects fell short.)
  • Slightly dissatisfied (It had its moments, yet some things didn’t quite hit the mark.)
  • Neutral (It was okay, though it lacked that ‘wow’ factor.)
  • Mildly satisfied (Generally pleasing with a few standout moments.)
  • Quite satisfied (A delightful experience with much to commend.)
  • Very satisfied (Exceeded expectations – quite a memorable event!)
  • Overwhelmingly satisfied! (Thrilled beyond measure – count me in for next year!)

These post-event survey questions are a crucial part of the fundraising ideas for nonprofit organizations as they show your audience you care. 

2. Ask targeted questions to identify areas for enhancement


Could you tell us more about your rating? What made you feel that way about the event?

Through CollabAI’s departmental access, a fundraising team could focus on questions that measure donor satisfaction and engagement levels:

3. Understand what attendees expected from the event

Depending on your event, you might want to ask about different things, but here are some usual ones to consider:

  • The place where it was held
  • The topics or activities
  • The presenters
  • The chance to meet others
  • The online setup if it was virtual
  • The snacks and drinks

4. Emphasize the need for thoughtful questions

Avoid generic or confusing wording. Instead, create questions that elicit meaningful responses.


What did you think about the speakers and their talks?

  • Bad 👎 (A bit better than being bored, but barely)
  • Fair
  • Okay
  • Good
  • Great ⭐ (The keynote was amazing—like magic!)

Who was your favorite speaker or what was the best part of the event for you, and why?

AI-Powered Survey Generation with CollabAI

1. Creating a Post-Event Survey

Unlike the older method of survey creation, CollabAI offers a streamlined and cohesive approach. It allows users to develop survey questions through intelligent prompt templates that reflect the tone and goals of the non-profit. This ensures that the survey aligns with both the organization’s values and the unique dynamics of the event. With CollabAI, a team can iterate on the AI’s suggestions, refining questions until they strike the right balance between depth and clarity.

CollabAI Task:

Ask CollabAI to create questions about the overall event experience and specific details. Make sure to mix in different questions – yes/no, multiple choice, ratings, and open-ended – to keep the survey engaging and improve the number of responses.

Create a detailed and organized post-event survey for the people who went to your event. Include information like:

  • Event Name: [event name]
  • Event Date: [event date]
  • Type of Event: [webinar, conference, etc.]
  • Event Format: [virtual, hybrid, in-person]
  • Event Location: [city, State, venue]
  • Speakers/Sessions to Review: [speaker, session title]
  • Target Audience: [industry or audience type]
  • Why People Came: [what attendees were hoping to get out of it]
  • Writing Style: [how you’d like the questions written]

Your survey should ask about:

  • How happy they were with the event overall
  • What they thought of the sessions and speakers
  • The opportunities for networking
  • How well the event was run

Include open-ended questions for detailed feedback and suggestions for the future. Use different kinds of questions to get both numbers (quantitative) and stories (qualitative) from your attendees.

CollabAI Response:

To create a comprehensive post-event survey, I will need the specific details for the particular event you held. Since I do not have the specific event details, I will use placeholder text for “[event name]”, “[event date]”, etc. When the actual details are available, please replace the placeholders accordingly.


Start with these survey ideas and adjust them as needed to:

  • Make pre-event surveys
  • Get opinions on specific features (like an event app or virtual breakout rooms)
  • Find out what people thought about different parts of the event (in-person vs. virtual)

Create separate surveys as well to collect useful feedback from attendees, speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors.

2. Writing a Thank-You Email After an Event

After your event, it’s nice to send a thank-you email to everyone involved, like attendees, speakers, and sponsors, to let them know you appreciate them.

You can include your survey in this thank-you email or send it separately with a survey tool.

Here’s a simple prompt for CollabAI to help you write a thoughtful thank-you email to people who came to your event:

CollabAI Task:

Write a thoughtful thank-you email for a [event type] put on by [event organizer/brand], called [event title] and about [event topic].

It took place at [event location] on [event date] and [number of attendees] people came from the [industry/field].

The email should say hi in a personal way, sum up the event, thank them for coming and helping out, include some photos or videos, ask them for their thoughts and ideas, and tell them what’s coming next.

The email should feel warm, friendly, and thankful, and it should be from [name, job title, company].

CollabAI Response: 

Ensuring Anonymity and Encouraging Participation

Anonymity is crucial for honest survey responses. 

Here’s how to maintain anonymity while encouraging participation:

  1. Importance of Anonymity: Respondents are more likely to provide candid feedback when their identities remain confidential. So highlight the significance of anonymity in survey design.
  2. Incentivizing Participation: To boost response rates, consider offering incentives. Whether it’s a small reward or a chance to win a prize, incentives motivate attendees to take the survey.
  3. AI and Privacy: AI can anonymize data effectively. By stripping away personal identifiers, it ensures privacy while still collecting valuable insights. Emphasize this aspect to encourage participation.

CollabAI takes anonymity and data privacy a step further. Hosting surveys on your private cloud, as enabled by CollabAI, provides an additional layer of confidence to respondents about their data security. Moreover, the AI’s ability to strip away personal identifiers before analysis upholds privacy and encourages candid responses.

Analyzing Survey Results Effectively

Non-profits can unlock valuable insights by analyzing survey data. Here’s how:

  1. Actionable Steps: Once you’ve collected survey responses, take action. Identify trends, common themes, and areas for improvement. Create an actionable plan based on this feedback.
  2. Successful Improvements: Let’s look at real-world examples. A non-profit organizing a fundraising event analyzed survey data and discovered that attendees wanted more interactive sessions. They adjusted their next event to include workshops and networking opportunities, resulting in increased engagement.

Post-event survey analysis is streamlined with CollabAI’s efficient tagging feature and chat storage and retrieval capabilities. Non-profits can quickly categorize feedback, identify trends, and develop an evidence-based action plan. 

Harnessing the Power of Post-Event Surveys

Post-event surveys are not just checkboxes; they’re powerful tools. They provide a direct line to your audience’s thoughts and feelings.

Non-profits, it’s time to harness the full potential of your events. Leverage surveys, analyze data, and make impactful changes. Together, we can create better experiences and drive positive impact. Need help creating the ideal post-event survey for your non-profit? Our AI assistant for non-profits is sure to help you with drafting post-event surveys, fundraising letters, nonprofit grant writing, and more! 

Shahed Islam